Designer for the day

What is It?

Six hours 100% focused on you and your design needs! Our goal is to have 80-90% of everything you need for your home project(s) either in the car or ordered by the end of the 6 hours.

How does it work?

We start between 9:00am-10:00am at your home, take any necessary measurements of the space, and create a specific plan for the day.  Then we head off to our first stop! 

  • We’ll have a clear list of what we need to purchase or decisions we need to make, and where to go for each item. 

  • Around 12:30pm we’ll stop for a quick lunch (on me!) and regroup to determine how to best use the rest of our time. 

  • By the end of the day, you should have a minimum of 80-90% of your items purchased for your project.

Is this the right package for me? 

This package is perfect for you if: 

  • You want to shop locally.

  • You’ve had your eye on a few pieces, but need the confidence to move forward with your purchases. 

  • You want to move forward with your project quickly.

  • You want a designer to confirm your selections for the finishes for a Kitchen or Bathroom renovation.